Conceptualization, Costume Designing, 
Art Direction and Performance

Photographed by Yuvraj Pal​​​​​​​

Atrophy (noun)
// the process of wasting away. 
Of decay, deterioration and death.

In this photo series, I resemble a flower navigating her way through the various stages of atrophy. 
She droops, and wilts. Her waning body, now so delicate has no choice but to quiver and dance everytime the wind whispers to her. 
There is so much beauty in this decay, you want to keep a hold on it for yourself. So you pick it up 
before someone tramples upon it and quickly tuck it between the pages of the book you're currently reading. Gold quickly turns to rust, but its shimmer never fades. Still as beautiful as ever, it rests in peace.
The Atrophy Series


The Atrophy Series

Conceptual Fine Arts Photographs
